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/Links/ General Health

Adam.com - "the leading online provider of health, medical, and wellness information"

AlternativeDr.com - offering extensive alternative medicine resources.

AMA Health Information - "Online health information for everyone"

CERI - The Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute - Referral listings, book reviews, etc.

CPM Cnet - The Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide

drkoop.com - Former surgeon general C. Everett Koop's popular website.

Drug Infonet - "The internet source for healthcare information"

Healthanswers.com - Health & drug information

HealthAtoZ.com Professional - An online hub for physicians and other health care professionals

Health Canada Online -The federal dept responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health.

HealthCentral - Healthcare news featuring syndicated radio host Dr Dean Edell with RealAudio broadcasts.

Healthfinder - healthfinder® is a service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Intellihealth - News, daily health customizable e-mails, resources.

Ivillage - "the internet for women"

KidsMeds - A non-profit organization dedicated to providing pediatric drug information to parents and caregivers.  Offers a Pediatric Pharmacist service online, monthly newsletter, and more.

Mayo Clinic - Reliable information for a healthier life.

Medicine Online - A health information service

Medline Plus - Resources to help you research your health questions

Medscape - 25 medical specialty areas and more

OB-GYN.net - A global, physician-reviewed network for doctors, medical professionals, women and the medical industry

Onebody - Complementary and alternative health

Women's Health Information Center - Health Information and Referral Center for Women

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